Friday, June 25, 2010



I wait and watch the progress, that soon will be my “Home”.
The name I chose was UPPER ROOM, just one to call my own.
The roof is partly covered now, the house is shaping up..
I’m getting really anxious, but the wait sometimes is tough.
The finance’s are unstable, sometimes its really thin..
God knows my situation though, and speaks to hearts of men.
In all these years He’s never failed me, not ever, not one time.
He says to me “Don’t worry, I care for what is mine”.
He’s blessed me with these children, to Love, to Care and Feed..
He knows I can’t desert them, so he meets every need…
and on their precious faces, the words He spoke, I see..
“If you’ve done unto one of these, you’ve done it unto me”.
So when my house is finished and I am finally there..
My Upper Room I will anoint, and bow my knees in prayer,
And Thank him for His Mercy, and Blessings he has shown..
and do my best until he takes me, to my final home.
I know it’s temporary, it’s only for awhile..
I only pray that he will say someday “Well done my child”.
And I can look into God’s face and see that he is pleased..
that I had ran this race for him, and managed to succeed.

NOTE: This poem was written by a lady who saw my blog.
I thought it was so nice I had to share it.

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