Thursday, May 28, 2009

Going up in smoke

Once a Voodoo Priest or Priestess is saved, the first thing they do is to burn all of the paraphernalia or fetishes they possess that is associated with Voodoo. They make a clean break with the old ways and are made a new creature in Christ Jesus. When a person is truly converted, their old ways are no more and if they still cling to the old ways then they were not truly converted. See blog archive "Do Christians sin."

1 comment:

  1. greetings to all -on this thought, we were in the phillipines once .on the 1st night after service,trying to sleep ,being VERY humid, we smelled smoke-WOW now what? we dressed ,ran into the street-they said "We were saved tonight so we are BURNING all our artifacts from the OLD way
    Books crosses beads etc.Praise God who is on high henry webster
