Monday, July 27, 2009


Barack Hussien Obama … (The way he announced his name while addressing the Arab nation in Cairo. ) He is the President of the United States of America and friend of Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. When asked about bearing the costs for treatment to our injured troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan he said, "Look, it's an all volunteer force Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and accepted the risks. It was their choice and now they whine about bearing the costs of treatment for injuries they suffered. "I thought these were people who were proud to sacrifice for their country. He is married to a lady who is now for the first time in her adult life “Proud of her Country.” Oh, I almost forgot to list another achievement that he had made since becoming President. No longer is a solder in our military allowed to witness to people about Jesus and absolutely forbidden to pass out Bibles to those who want them in Afghanistan. (The things I have listed here are not political statements as I would say the same thing whether it be a Republican or an Independent President but rather exposing a Commander in Chief of our United States who is no longer following the examples set forth by our past Presidents from George W. Bush all the way back to George Washington.)

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